We are in the twenty-first century, and there are still some people not getting sufficient food. The world is not properly balanced, and the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer. Some people are getting so poor that they do not have food on their plates, even for one single meal of the day. Food Security is how much amount of food is available for people. It the availability of food to people of all caste, race, religion, gender, and the sector, including social, political, economical events and that too nutritional and sufficient food. To be more financially stable, in case of emergencies, you might want to consider playing some fun and interactive sports betting games via https://continuousassurance.org/.
Food: Hunger and survival
Many people even today are hungry, starving, and on the road begging for a food morsel. Children are malnourished, and they beg on roads to eat. They are hungry and in fear of starvation. Food security incorporates a measure of resilience to future disruption or unavailability of critical food supply due to various risk factors, including droughts, shipping disruptions, fuel shortages, economic instability, and wars. Hunger is the single gravest threat to the world’s public health. It is by the condition of the public that a country is judged and evaluated. Some human population is also suffering from chronic nutritional deficiencies. People not getting enough food and nutrition are easily recognized as they have stunted body growth and look malnourished. Starvation leads to higher infant and child mortality. Once stunting has occurred, improved nutritional intake after about two years is unable to reverse the damage.
Survival becomes difficult, and it is a huge concern for the government. It also leads people to have depression, anxiety, and various mental health issues. However, organs fail to lead to death.
Threats to achieving food security
There are some threats to achieve food security in the world. They are:
- Water shortage due to crisis
- Depletion of Land
- Climate change
- Politics
- Lesser farming due to everything that is happening with the farmers
The population of the country is also increasing day by day. The natural resources are being made use of carelessly, and people are not thinking about others. This also leads to some people not getting their desired share. Rich people have access to everything, and that too in plenty, whereas the poor people struggle to get even a drop of water.
But today, many NGOs and government bodies are working towards the problem of hunger and starvation and striving hard to make available all the needed food items to every individual in every corner of the world. There are many policies initiated by the World Health Organization in association with many states to ensure fewer people are sleeping hungry every day. Many countries are coming together, hand in hand, and helping each other make the citizens of their nation food secure. It is a bit difficult about the reasons mentioned above and not just those but also some man-made disasters but it is not difficult. If we strive and help each other, it will soon be possible, and we will see a better place where everyone is content and happy.