The Nafferton Ecological Farming Group will host an information session on the 21st November 2015 to discuss preliminary results from the first year of spelt and rye trials at Nafferton Farm and the future of the project.
The trials are components of the EU-funded Healthy Minor Cereals project and DEFRA’s Sustainable Intensification Platform. HMC is focussed on enhancing exploitation of ‘minor cereal’ species and SIP is a multi-organisation research platform designed to explore opportunities and risks for sustainable intensification. NEFG, with the support of Gilchesters Organics, is currently trialling four different varieties of spelt and rye under different fertilisation regimes and invites you to learn more about this trial and its implications for cereal growers.
The session will begin at 11:00am at Nafferton Farm, with coffee and tea available beginning at 10:30. Lunch will be included for all attendees.
Please R.S.V.P by emailing
Please respond by 16th November, 2015 to ensure food is available for all
If you would like additional information about the project and cannot attend the November session (or would like to know more beforehand), please contact Amelia Magistrali at the above email address.
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