Nefg organic

One-day Seminars at Organic Research Centre on organic food production and supply chains

For farmers/farm managers, advisers/land agents, researchers, young people including students/apprentices, and others involved in the food supply chain.

  1. Introduction to organic farming and food supply chains – principles and practice
    Date: Wednesday, 28 January 2015, 10 am – 4pm
    Venue: Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury, RG20 0HR
  2. Introduction to the Business of Organic Food Production
    Date: Thursday, 29 January 2015, 10 am – 4pm
    Venue: Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury, RG20 0HR
  3. Introduction to Organic Arable and Horticultural Production Systems and Markets
    Date: Wednesday, 4 February 2015, 10 am – 4pm
    Venue: Wimpole Estate, Arrington, Royston, Cambridgeshire, SG8 OBW
  4. Introduction to organic livestock husbandry and markets
    Date: Thursday, 12 February 2015, 10 am – 4pm
    Venue: Abbey Home Farm, Burford Road, Cirencester, GL7 5HF
  5. Organic Food Supply Chains and the Environment
    Date: Wednesday, 25 February 2015, 10 am – 4pm
    Venue: Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury, RG20 0HR
  6. Farm sustainability assessment for improved performance and customer guarantee
    Date: Thursday, 26 February 2015, 10 am – 4pm
    Venue: Duchy Home Farm, Broadfield Farm, Tetbury GL8 8SE

The seminars will use interactive methods of teaching, icebreakers, and other techniques of working in small groups, to involve participants. A farm walk, where applicable, will help see some of the theory in practice.

Course cost (local and organic lunch & refreshments included):

  • Reduced price for eligible participants (see below) £50 + VAT
  • Full price for participants not-eligible for funding £100 + VAT

On-line booking is available on each event page. Alternatively, you can register directly and pay by cheque, BACS or credit card by contacting Gillian Woodward.

RDPE support available: 50% fee reduction for English producers and others obtaining a living from agriculture or agricultural products. Eligibility includes producers and employees of producer groups, supply chain businesses, direct retailers, small consultancy businesses, but not multiple retailers, government departments, agencies or public bodies including universities. Participants must be living/working in England. To benefit please download, complete and sign the Trainee Registration form for each event and send to Gillian Woodward at ORC. You can still register and pay on-line.

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