Nefg organic

Wheat breeding and bread-making seminar at Newcastle University 27th October

Dr Stephen Jones of Washington State University will be visiting Newcastle next week and will present a lecture at the School of Agriculture on Thursday, 27th October at 5pm.

Dr Jones is a wheat breeder and the Director of the WSU Mount Vernon Bread Lab, who specialises in advanced classical genetics and in the history and ethics of genetics. In his lecture, Stephen will discuss work on wheat, barley, dry beans and buckwheat at the Bread Lab in Washington State, where they breeds grains for non-commodity uses with nutrient density and flavour. Researchers in the lab work with community members, farmers, millers, bakers, chefs, maltsters, brewers and distillers to repatriate grain economies where they have been missing for up to 100 years in the coastal US including Alaska, keeping value where it is produced.

Nibbles will be provided before the event and additional details of the event are included below and in the linked seminar pamphlet

Bread that way: wheat out of place

Dr Stephen Jones, Washington State University

Thursday 27th October 2016


Clement Stephenson Lecture Theatre, Agriculture Building, St Tomas Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1

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